Anyhow, he continued, the trouble with armadillo races is that sure, somebody wins, and somebody loses, but EVERYBODY ends up with stinky hands.

(Apparently armadillos are very smelly, and even strong soap won't take off the stink. Also, I looked it up, and in Texas, you can hire armadillo racers to come to your party, like a clown or a magician!)
Armadillos are also the only animal other than homo sapiens that can carry leprosy. Dirty hands, indeed.
Does tomato juice get the smell off---or is that just for skunks? And how are you feeling?
My hands stink enough without handling duurrrrrrrrrrty critters.. Poo.
I live in Texas and I didn't know that. Just thought they were for roadkill. Guess what my kids will be doing for their next birthday party!
It can't be worse than a skunk race?
Now if that ain't the most random thing ever...HAHAHA!!! I bet dinners with your family are hilarious! Love your blog!
I was watching an episode of Anthony Bourdain and he actually ate an armadillo. They cooked it in the shell and kind of scooped out the meat like a clam or something. Now I wonder... would the meat be stinky too?
Well, now I'm feeling deprived since I've never heard of it. I made salsa the other day and my hands still stink. Are armadillos worse than 5 cups of onions?
ew. But YAY! for armadillos.
BTW, perhaps you are too chill for these type of things, but I have an award for you. You can come and get it if you wanna...
Nice comment to lead into your award, oops.
Yes, but what did you have for dinner?
Do Armadellos taste like stinky chicken with bo?
lol yeah..they are kinda like skunks...but at least skunks can control it and use it for defense lol
I live in Texas....and they are everywhere....also everywhere in Missouri as i used to live there to. just watch out for em while driving...they can pop a tire real quick if u hit one.
Ummmmm, stinky creatures, kinda goes along with their looks too. They are pathetically UGLY!
Thanks for the lesson in biology or creatureology. I knew there was a reason I love your blog...I learn something new everytime, therefore, it's ok to read your's educational!
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