Jake brought in the headless child last night to my bedroom where I was locked in quiet, kid-free, gift wrapping bliss and informed me: Tommy has decapitated Baby Moses. Oh. And his arm is gone, too.
Jake leaves the room to look for glue, and soon I hear: Five dollars to whoever can find Jesus' arm!
Apparently somebody is five bucks richer, because there it is in the photo.
Tommy was pretty upset about the whole incident. He is very, very sorry, as you can see here:

Nice booger bubble, Tom.
Merry Christmas, everyone!
Way to go Tommy boy!!I'm betting the 5 bucks came from Tommy's envelope from Grama Beeson.. was it a crisp new $5. bill??? I'll be checking up on that with him next time I see him... Ho Ho HO!!!
Tommy is so awesome. Look how cute he is. Too bad he busted Jesus, though.
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