Last Monday...

Joseph Taylor Beeson was born at 1:36 pm. He was 8 lbs., 2 oz., and 21.7 inches long. Labor was quick and entirely painless (too much epidural). Easiest one yet.
We named him Joseph after my great grandfather, Joseph Newberry Allred, and Taylor is a surname in both of our Mothers' families. (No, Jake and I aren't cousins. As far as we know.)
Sorry I've been absent, but my free time has been spent napping, changing diapers, staying up at night nursing and watching sappy Christian pioneer romance movies (Love Comes Softly, based on books Shanda Harry lent me in the 5th grade) starring Katherine Heigl, and sniffing my baby's tiny, soft head. Oh. And eating cookies. Why can't I stop eating cookies? You know what would make me quit with the cookies? Cinnamon rolls. Or maybe more See's milk chocolate assortment (Oh, wait. Jen just brought me another pound. I hid it in my bed).
But even with all the treats, I was feeling real svelte and cocky and got on my bathroom scale. Guess how much I'd lost? 3 pounds. You can scroll back up if you want, but yes, I gave birth to an 8 pound baby and lost 3 pounds. I have resolved not to get back on a scale until my ankles are back to normal. They pumped me so full of fluid my face looks weird (see above). Has anyone else ever had a baby and forgotten to lose any weight? Is depressing enough to make a girl eat 2 pounds of chocolate. Take that, bathroom scale.
Anyhow, I wanted to post earlier, but the baby wouldn't let me. I think he hates my blog. He doesn't like to be put down, and I am happy to oblige him. I mostly just sit around holding my tightly swaddled little burrito of a baby. I call this 'recovery'. But really, it is therapy. What is it about cuddling newborns that just cures all ills? Just tucking his little bald head into my neck, the skinny little chicken wing arms and curly legs tucked up tight against his belly...or staring into his almost certainly going to be blue-like-his-dad and not brown-like-mine eyes, where it is obvious to the keen observer (me, Jake, Grandmas) that the tiny, soft, therapeutic head is chock full with brilliant brains.
I could keep going, but I hear Joey. I think he wants to know if Miss Heigl's husband is going to croak from that gangrenous leg he hacked up in an unfortunate ax incident. More later...
what a handsome little man! congratulations! the pictures are great - you don't look weird at all. at least you look like you've combed your hair . . . i certainly didn't look that good in any of my post-labor pictures.
you make my ovaries hurt!
He is just adorable, and you look great! Congrats on such a great labor and birth.
Congratulations! So so exciting! If it makes you feel any better- 8 weeks later-- I still have the ultimate muffin top! :)
Congrats! 5th babies ought to be the easiest yet! And I am still working on those pounds that loved me to much to leave me from my 4th kid--who is almost 18 months old! I felt very svelte. My sweats hung on my hips, and then I went to my Mom's, where they have full length mirrors. It was a terrible experience.
Delurking here!
Congratulations! He is gorgeous and you look great, not swollen at all. And yes, I too NEVER lose weight the first week and I've tried it FIVE times.
Best thing I've ever bought, EVER, was a Sleepy Wrap. Then I could have my babies right next to me AND have two hands. I can't recommend them enough. The bonds that I have with my 'worn' children is very very different and special.
So glad that you had a good delivery and healthy baby. That is truly a blessing.
I really enjoy reading your blog. Your humor is like mine. I totally get you.
Muchas Cute-ness! OK, that doesn't really work, but he is beautiful and I don't know why you say your face looks weird. You look amazing and you had just had a baby! Amazing!!! Congratulations!
Congrats, Bees!!!! He's adorable! I need to find some good stuff to watch late at night because the only stuff I've been watching is late night TV. Infomercials for dumb stuff, naughty stuff, and a little Jimmy Fallon.
I can't stop eating like I'm pregnant, either. Though have you worn a slimmer? I don't know how much weight I've lost (don't own a scale) but my skin's tighter than it's been since having my first 5 years ago!!
Congrats! What a lovely family you have:)
And Love Comes Softly makes me ill. Along with it's 45 sequels.
That is a fine looking Beeson, to be sure. Congrats to you on whipping up another handsome one.
You got pretty close to making me feel broody. So i'll just click on that little x at the top of the page right now..
He is seriously the most beautiful baby!!! Can't wait to meet him (I hope--you gonna be around? haha)
Yay, I was hoping you would post more pictures soon!
He's adorable. Just like his brothers and sister. So cute :)
Absolutely beautiful baby boy. I totally agree about newborns being therapeutic, what bliss.
Congratulations!! He is beautiful.
He IS a great lookin baby. And I hope to be similarly occupied sooner rather than later!!!
How exciting! Congrats to you and your family! He is adorable!
Congrats! He is a total cutie. You look great by the way:)
I DO want to see pictures!
And the last time I had a baby I also only wanted cookies. They cure everything that a baby doesn't.
SWEET baby! I love those baby stares and skinny limbs and soft heads. We gave ours Joseph for a middle name (after my grandpa). He's got lots of brains, too. :)
Congratulations! He's such a cutie!
He has your eyes! What a beautiful baby!!!!!!!!!!!
Beautiful baby boy!! I hate all of my post labor pics as well. They are a necessary evil though right??? As for your scale it probably lies like mine does :)!! It forgot to factor in the weight of the baby :) Give yourself a few more weeks and you'll feel better. I love to cuddle my babies too. It such fun especially while they are itty bitty!! Congrats again :)
He looks just like you. And you look like you're 22 in that photo.
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