Jake is a techie. I am not. I'm not even sure if that's how you spell techie.
I like Star Trek. So I'm a Trekkie. Is different.
He loves his nearly 2-year-old iphone. He loves aps. He loves synching his iphone with things, and saying 'synch' and 'aps'.
Lately, he's been hanging about websites called things like
macrumors, reading about the new iphone that would be coming out very soon.
I asked him to get off the internet, and take me to the new
Star Trek movie, cause I heard they got a hot Spock.
He said no.
Yesterday morning, he went to the Apple store here in Carlsbad. I'm not sure what he did there. I was in Target, buying deodorant. You know you've been on vacation too long when you run out of deodorant. And shampoo, conditioner, hair spray, curly stuff for kids hair, and contact lense solution.
Yesterday afternoon, his iphone was drowned, under mysterious circumstances, in Dr. Pepper, while on the golf course here at Aviara.
He quickly pronounced it dead. Before it even stopped beeping.
He set the alarm on my cell phone for 6:30 a.m. (We haven't risen before 9 in two weeks).
He got to the Apple Store by 7 this morning, and waited in line for two hours with lots of other, California-style, techies.
He bought the new iphone, which just happened to come out TODAY. THIS MORNING. At 7 a.m.
He swears he didn't kill his old phone on purpose. Even sub-consciously.
He pleads not guilty.
But I think there is enough evidence to convict.
Do you agree?
(He's gonna be ticked when he reads this. I better quick eat the oreo banana milkshake he's getting me from Mr. Frostie in Pacific Beach before he reads this. Or he might take it back.)
p.s. Remember last year when I was here, and
saw Tori Spelling? No such luck this time. Sister Jen says celeb watching season here in San Diego is July (best weather, no June gloom). Is like whale watching. You need to know their migratory patterns. Hunting out of season is utterly futile.